Brentwood Labour Group of Councillors and Campaigners are working actively to build a better, stronger and fairer society.
In Brentwood we have a dedicated team of Labour councillors, sitting on the Brentwood Borough Council. You can find our councillors working hard to keep you, and our community, updated, informed, and safe all year around, not just during election time. We are an integral part of the fabric of all communities. Brentwood Labour works for you, all year around.
Brentwood Labour Councillors are currently part of the Brentwood Joint Administration, a cross party coalition running Brentwood Borough Council.
With local elections on 2nd May set to elect 39 councillors who will steer Brentwood Borough Council forward, the Brentwood Labour Party has confirmed it is running a full slate of 39 candidates and has developed a comprehensive local manifesto to take on the challenges ahead. Click below.
This website is for the Brentwood Labour Group of Councillors and Campaigners for Brentwood Borough Council. For the Brentwood and Ongar Constituency Labour Party please click here.